Monday, September 11, 2006

Back in Blogville

Coming back to bloggville has been a little intimidating, as the more blogs that I read the less I feel I have to say. So many great encouraging words out there.... the possibilities are endless.

I am off the Big City.
I am not prone to anxiety but I have it.....Please pray for me. Travelling on the day that brought heart ache to the world is hard also. I hold dear the memories that cause my eyes to tear for all those sons and daughters that were killed this day 5 years ago.
Pray for the unforgiveness that I am feeling in my heart, that it is brought to the surface.....I do not want to deal with it but yet I have to obey. I want to grow in the Lord. I want a deeper relationship with my Jesus...... I think too often I put up a really good front and know one know that inside I am desperate for the water of life! I know that I thirst for more of you Lord!

Saved by Grace


This is the Early Tuesday Edition "you know you're really a mom when..."
that started over at Everyday Mommy and I am just joining in ( as I won't be back on the blogline until Friday).

You know you're really a mom when..... a trip out of town alone is frightening!
You know you're really a mom when.... night time is your favorite time because the wee ones are all sleeping.
You know you're really a mom when.... the only way to describe the lady you met in town was by her children.
You know you're really a mom when.... you miss the smell of a baby.
You know you're really a mom when.... word that your mother said to you are coming out of your mouth when you promised that you would never would!
You know you're really a mom when.... the love that you feel for those little angels is indescribable.
You know you're really a mom when.... you appreciate other mothers as well as your own.
You know you're really a mom when.... the kid having a fit in the grocery store doesn't bother you at all.
You know you're really a mom when.... You know that the purpose that God has given you is wrapped a sticky smile that asks if God is a Veggie?
All the days that happened before my kids does not compare to the joy and the love that they have brought to my life.