Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Just a passing fad.....

I am amazed at the fact that so many of us parents encourage, endorse and support the fads of today. Weather it be webkinz, peek-a-poohs, brand name wheeled shoes, or organized rec. programs....

I know that being brought up a generation ago we were poor and I knew it. Okay we were poorer than that, wrong side of the tracks, tailer get the picture. So today, I want to give my children everything;
I struggle to let them earn IT
I detest the wining tactic they use to speed up the process to obtaine IT
I hate when they do not appreciate IT
drives me crazy two days later forget-neglect-loose or break IT
& to top it all off they ask for the next IT! .... I am the maker of my own crazy cycle and I must like the ride or I would have got off by know! Then I am
brought back to the cabbage patch kid craze of my youth.... Oh the days! I remember that my parent were somewhat accomidating .... to a reasonable extent, "if it don't take the beer money than okay, she can have it." lol! I was loved!

1 comment:

Lucy said...

You are loved and always will be loved sister.